Email VP Mike Pence about the immigration ban

Oh wait, you can’t.

Not too long ago, Gov. Mike Pence expressed fairly rational views regarding Muslims and immigration.

I wanted to reach out to him via email to ask why this suddenly became unoffensive and in accordance with our Constitution, but I couldn’t …

On, the links on his page for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube all work.  But if you click on his email link, you just get a “page unavailable” error.

Same for Trump.










Want to hear something uplifting?

Have 3 minutes?

Check out this short and sweet story from a well-spoken 17-year-old woman, Hannah Adams. Despite their differences, the folks in her small Kentucky town get along.

How? They listen to each other.

Hear it in her own words




Trump and the press, what a mess

Have we entered the Twilight Zone?

I woke up and found myself in the Twilight Zone episode It’s a Good Life.  You know, the one in which a horrid little boy banishes to the “cornfield” anyone who doesn’t show him respect, exude platitudes or repeat what is currently called “alternative facts.” (Back then, they were called lies.)

So, when I heard that PT was considering removing the White House Press Corp from the White House, my initial reaction was quite skeptical. And after this weekend, I am more sure than ever that any changes would be disastrous for everyone but the current administration.

To better understand the situation, I’ve:

  • Listened to On the Media’s very informative discussion on the history and role of the press corps. Listen to On the Media – Future Tense (if you are short on time, just check out segment 4, How Trump Might Save the Media He So Despises).
  • Read what Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary for President G. W. Bush (2001 – 2003) had to say. Ari Fleischer on Sean Spicer

Going forward:

It does sound like that the current process is not ideal. But we need to wait until we have a White House that is guided by intelligence and not malevolence.

P.S. If you have never seen The Twilight Zone’s It’s a Good Life, add it to your list.  It’s a classic and oh so timely.  Season 3, Episode 8. Link to Amazon – Go to episode 8

The Women’s March. Moving forward in backward times.

A step in the right direction

I was one of millions worldwide that attended a Women’s March yesterday.  It was very energizing and uplifting to be surround by so many people speaking out about our backward-thinking administration.

Going forward:

I plan to continue wearing my pink pussyhat. The hat symbolizes strength and unity. By wearing it often I hope to remind myself and others that the march was just the first of many steps needed to help and heal our nation.

The Women’s March organizers have put together a user-friendly list of  10 actions we can take over for the next 100 days.  Step 1 is writing a personal note to your Senators to let them know what matters most to you.

Women’s March Next Steps. Check it out and keep up the momentum.

Need a laugh?

Good laughs and a lot to think about in Aziz Ansari’s SNL monologue.

Watch Aziz Ansari’s fantastic SNL opening monologue

Read it in the NYT