2017 Media Diet

More Substance, Less Junk

Each day we set ourselves in front of a massive all-you-can-eat media buffet. We’re conditioned to take more than we need, quickly gulp down what is tantalizing and easy to digest and toss out the rest.

Now more than ever I feel the need to be better nourished. As part of my 2017 wellness plan, I am going on a media diet. This doesn’t mean that I am going off news completely, but going forward I’ll be saying goodbye to misleading headlines, crap journalism, fake news and 24-hour drama-driven reporting.

It’s time to reclaim my brain by focusing on news and information that matters. This includes:

  • Setting aside quality time to digest the news (for me that includes not reading the news first thing in the morning. I can’t start my day off that way)
  • Supporting real new sources (ones that have true journalists, a code of ethics and use fact checkers)
  • Focusing on the topics I am most passionate about, as I can’t absorb everything
  • Snacking less frequently on information-poor sources

If you want to join in my media diet, please bookmark this site.  I’ll be posting information I find helpful in this endeavor.