Moving forward with a positive attitude

Where do we go from here?

For many of us, the world seems a bit off-kilter right now. In times like these, it is tempting to retreat, to shut ourselves off from the chaos. But this is a reaction, not a solution. For my own peace of mind, I’m trying to focus on what I can do to move forward with a positive attitude.

As part of this process, I’ve written down my key goals for 2017. I’ll be updating it and providing more detail over time. I am sharing this not only keep myself on track but also to help others who are looking for suggestions on how to move onward and upward.

Going forward:

Above all, don’t give in to the dark side. There are so many forces that seek to divide our society, but we need to stay strong and:
  • Treat each other with dignity and respect
  • Assume positive intent among others
  • Acknowledge that we all have our biases and we need to work together to recognize and address them
Speak up/act when you or others are not treated with dignity and respect
  • Every day we see prominent people displaying childish, bullying and hypocritical behavior. This is not OK, and we need to make sure that this behavior doesn’t ever become acceptable
  • We may not be able to directly impact the most prominent perpetrators, but we can make a difference on a local level. We need to speak up when we see such behavior
Put your money where your mouth is
  • Donate to organizations that support causes close to your heart. It’s one of the quickest ways to make a difference
Work to stay informed and help others become better informed
  • This means actively seeking out news and information from a variety of trusted sources and verifying its veracity before sharing
Spend more time connecting in person
  • Limit time on social media—it isn’t a very healthy environment for dialog, especially right now
  • Expand your horizons and talk to people who may not share your POV
  • Spend more time listening, less time judging
  • Healthy discussions need to start from a common factual ground. If that can’t be established, spend your energy elsewhere
And most importantly, maintain your balance
  • Don’t burn yourself out.  Make time to do what brings you joy. Socialize, meditate, get out in nature, curl up with a good book, exercise, take a long bath, eat well, dance and sing with all your heart

I hope you will look forward with me.