Appalled by the immigration ban?

There are many things that you can do

Day 8 of the PT regime and I continue to be astounded by the lack of respect they have for the United States and what makes us great.

PT has been forced to back off slightly, but he has demonstrated time and time again that he is a sore and vindictive loser. We must make it clear that his actions are unacceptable.

If you can, please:

Support organizations that are speaking up

Demand that congressional leaders will live up to their constitutional and moral responsibilities

Both Ryan and McConnell were strongly opposed to Muslim bans not too long ago, but seem to have misplaced their convictions.

Email Paul Ryan (In my note to him, I referenced his words of August 1, 2016 “America’s greatness is built on the principles of liberty and preserved by the men and women who wear the uniform to defend it. As I have said on numerous occasions, a religious test for entering our country is not reflective of these fundamental values. I reject it. Many Muslim Americans have served valiantly in our military, and made the ultimate sacrifice. Captain Khan was one such brave example. His sacrifice—and that of Khizr and Ghazala Khan—should always be honored. Period.”)

Email Mich McConnell (McConnell has stated that “I Don’t Want to Criticize Them for Improving Vetting.” This recent act by the Trump regime isn’t rooted in improving vetting and he knows this.) I cant provide the direct link to McConnell as they have Blacked direct access (

Want to read more about what should happen going forward?

Some Top Republicans in Congress Criticize Trump’s Refugee Policy

A Clarifying Moment in American History

Read the full executive order text

Looking for more ways to help?

Please check out my list of causes to support